Tag Archives: South East Fibre Exports

Future Landscapes II: Seascape minus…

Seascape Minus Chip Mill

Seascape Minus Chip Mill

The woodchip mill on the southern end of Twofold Bay (at Edrom Point) is operated by South East Fibre Exports (formerly Harris-Daishowa), a subsidiary of Nippon Paper Industries. Despite declining production due to the high value of the A$, economic problems in Japan, and cheaper alternatives in other countries, forestry remains a significant employer in the region – and a major contributor to the local economy.

The facility itself isn’t open to the public, but you can get a good view of it from the adjacent large naval wharf (built in 2003, primarily to load naval vessels with munitions from the Explosives Ordnance facility on Edrom Road).

The future of the woodchip mill and its associated bulk loading terminal is uncertain. This image imagines a future landscape in which all traces of pulp mill at Edrom Point have disappeared, and the site has been fully ‘remediated’. The evidence of the site’s former purpose now only exists in the form of an image on a flag which billows overhead.

Seascape Minus Fish

Seascape Minus Fish

As with the Seascape minus chip mill image, this picture was taken on the naval wharf at Edrom Point, on the southern shore of Twofold Bay. The background shows the huge piles of wood chips stockpiled at the SEFE mill and bulk loading terminal.

In the foreground, on the railing of the wharf, is a chart to advise recreational fishers of the size and bag limits for each of the fish species found locally.

The image imagines a future in which many of those species are no longer available, or else no longer allowed to be caught – due to overfishing, fish stock depletion due to climate change, or other causes.