I liked this quote from Annabel Crabb. She was talking about the power of the photographic image in the context of politics (and in relation to Clive Palmer in particular) – but I think it’s relevant well beyond journalistic and documentary photography:
“But where images are concerned, it’s the moment that counts. A photograph is a millisecond snap-frozen by technology; a cigarette-paper-thin slice of time detained permanently in two dimensions, while its billions of successors flap on in the mess and confusion and inconstancy that is three-dimensional life.”
You can read the full (and marvellously well-written) article at: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/comment/clive-palmer-puts-himself-in-the-political-picture-20140627-zsnqp.html#ixzz35zKIYkg0

Clive Palmer managed to inveigle former US vice-president Al Gore into sharing a platform with him: Image of a climate messiah. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen